Tag Archives: vic johnson

Motivation for Goal Setting

I know half the world is just beginning Summer, and it’s a big temptation to take a bit of a break until September.

But the cold hard facts are that in just a few weeks we’re going to be at the halfway point in 2010. If you expect anything to change in your life THIS YEAR, you’ve got just about six months to do it.

Now understand this, that’s plenty of time IF you’re using the “secret” ingredient of every successful person I know.

This video will help you discover and use that ingredient.

After you’ve watched the video I’d appreciate it if you’d leave your comments below. And if it’s helpful to you, please Share It with a friend (or your teammates).


Time to Think Big!

Think Big MagazineEconomic crisis have you frozen with fear and anxiety about the future? Now is no time to sit on your hands and pine for the good old days. Now is the time to Think Big! There’s a great Australian magazine (with print and online versions) that will help you do that. This month features a cover story on Bob Proctor and yours truly also has an article in the current issue. It’s also got a Recession Busting Guide as well as articles by Kim Kiyosaki, Loral Langemeier and Chris Howard to name a few. Get a free online subscription here….

More Success in 2009

Success Magazine Article by Vic JohnsonThe beginning of another year is less than three weeks away. Looking for some ways to “unleash your power” in 2009? The January issue of Success Magazine has a cover story on Tony Robbins, four successful entrepreneurs talking about their big, hairy, audacious goals for 2009, and a feature article by yours truly. Check out the online issue here and then get treat yourself to a subscription for the New Year. The free CD and DVD every month are more than worth it.


Success MagazineAlmost 35 years after reading SUCCESS Magazine for the first time, I’m excited (and honored) to have an article in the newest issue that features Trump on the cover.

While the format (and technology — each issue now includes a FREE DualDiscâ„¢ (CD & DVD in one)) has changed over the years, one thing hasn’t: it’s still the one-stop source of wisdom and insight from today’s leading entrepreneurs, CEO’s and personal development experts.

Inside each issue you’ll find success in:

  • Business – Sales tips, closing the deal, leadership, time management, goal-setting and more
  • Relationships – Balancing business with personal life to be the best person you can be for yourself and others
  • Wealth – Investing, leveraging your money, creating financial freedom and more ways to increase your net worth
  • Well-Being – Destressing, recharging and staying fit – and why it’s important!
  • Making a Difference – Ways to exercise your passion for giving back and helping others
  • You can see our article on pages 34-35 and go here to subscribe to SUCCESS or call 800-570-6414.