A Thankful Thanksgiving by Jim Rohn

My friend Darren Hardy, who is President of TSTN, posted this to his blog a few days ago and it begs to be shared:

A Thankful Thanksgiving by Jim Rohn

As a person who has experienced over 70 Thanksgivings, I recognize that being thankful is something that we have to work at, even on Thanksgiving.

Here are a few key words as well as some thoughts that are simple and practical to apply; something you can use right away in your quest for becoming more thankful:

Time. Set aside time regularly to be quiet, to reflect. We live in the fastest paced time ever. From the moment we awake to the moment we collapse into bed, we have the opportunity to go at full speed and never slow down. If we schedule time every day in which we can be quiet and reflect, we will free our hearts and minds up from the tyranny of the urgent and rushed.

Thought. Give thought to the many blessings that you have. Living in a consumer culture, most of us are fully aware of what we do not have and how we absolutely must have “it”. But how often do we reflect upon that which we already have? Take some time each day and think of one or two things that you have that you may typically take for granted and then take a moment and give thanks for those. In fact, I make it a part of my reflection time to review a list of things that I’m thankful for.

Generosity. Be generous toward those with less and not envious of those with more. We tend to look at others who may be wealthier than ourselves and think, “I sure wish I had what he does.” That kind of thinking breeds envy and jealousy rather than contentment. What can we do to break that cycle? I would suggest being generous to those who are less fortunate than yourself. Go to work at a food bank. And not just during the holidays – everybody works there then – but on a regular basis during the year. That will remind you of how good you really have it.

Ask. Ask a friend what they are thankful for. The next time you are at lunch with a friend, ask him or her what they are most thankful for. You will be amazed at the answers you receive and you will create a meaningful bond with your friends as you focus on this powerful question.

Acknowledge. Lastly, tell those you love how thankful you are for having them in your life. So many times we neglect to take the time to craft the words to express to those closest to us what their presence in our lives means to us. Take the opportunity of Thanksgiving Day to write them a note or sometime during the day put your hand on their shoulder, look them in the eyes and tell them. Let them know what they mean to you, and in return you’ll begin to create the possibility of deeper, richer, more fulfilling relationships with those you love.

Of course we should do what we can to make the most of the day we call Thanksgiving, but wouldn’t it be a shame if the only time we reflected on our blessings was that one Thursday in November? And the answer is, of course! So let’s do our best to be aware of the many great gifts that we have each and every day of the year. As we do so we will see our hearts soar and our minds will experience more and more at peace as we regularly remember and remain aware of our good fortune.

Happy Thanksgiving! ~Jim Rohn

8 thoughts on “A Thankful Thanksgiving by Jim Rohn”

  1. So fitting. I’m glad I read it to day. I often reflect on my benifits and my behavior, but what better time to reflect on thanksgiving and to tell the people I love.

  2. Excellent article. I am forever thankul for my blessings and it gives a wonderful sense of inne peace.

    Still need to reflect on my blessings and Happy Thanksgiving to all. God bless.

  3. Aloha from Hawaii. I read your article and it is true, one’s perception certainly does provide the framework for their reality. When one stops to think, and really meditate on exactly what it is in their lives they have to be thankful for… tears will flow…

    I have found in my life this strange irony, which is… there are those who may have certain material assets, yet time and time again… I have seen with my own eyes.. if those ‘riches’….were not gained in a way that is pleasing to the Lord above, or to put it another way, not consistent with the principles of living right, those who may be in the possession of those ‘riches’…have no peace, no joy, no happiness and oftentimes hide this pain behind the mask of social drinking that goes a bit too far, self-medicating, etc. etc.

    And sometimes, just spending time with people, regardless of their economic station in life is a blessing in and of itself, as time.. 24 hours a day… we all have, regardless … and its what we do with that time we’ve been given that can make a difference in the lives of others and ours as well…

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight. Your article is most
    impressive and forces the reader to stop and think. To get his or her eyes off of their ego.. and look deeper..into the soul and spirit of man.

    It is so very easy to say…yet so hard to do.. as our society today, I believe has conditioned the masses to adopt a ‘victim mentality’… and never be held accountable for their actions..

    We need more articles like yours… to show us..that truly the greatest limitations anyone has…are those they themselves set by their own mind… Aloha to you and yours, from this side of paradise….alisa js

  4. i am really happy to get this article and read this too as other readers stated here. actually i really do some thinkful thinking in my daily life and i dont know why i did this which only my subconsciousness told me to do when i feel depressed or burn out.
    now i knew the reason and i am planned to confess some thinks and ask my friends what they want to reflect of their thinks.

  5. Hi,
    Nice and impressive article.
    Made me think about life,agony of others,
    Learnt something valuable.

  6. well the end of this said it all and if you lost this from childhood you lost yourself…so you are just setting a guide to find oneself.thanks anyhow,i am always greatfull for each passing moment and expect nothing.i am content with myself and what is around me.cheers to ya.

  7. AMEN! We as Americans have so much. We have forgotten how to improvise to survive. I don’t believe it is deliberate. We like Mr. Rohn pointed out, are so “busy”. I am thankful and grateful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, and my Father in Heaven and His matchless love for me. I am so thankful and grateful for my husband who is always faithful to our vows, and never lets a day go by that he does not tell me he loves me (we will celebrate 35yrs. of marriage this July 21). I am thankful and grateful for my two wonderful daughters. I am thankful and grateful for our health, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I am thankful and grateful that I am an American living in the United States. I am so thanful and grateful for the awesome opportunity of financial freedom, abundance, and security I have become a part of. I am so thankful and grateful that I have the “freedom” to share this opportunity with “anyone” who desires to know financial freedom & security. I am so thankful and grateful for the “family” members in this opportunity who speak “nothing” negative to you or over you…but are always quick to speak “all” that is positive and a blessing, to ALL who join us. And finally, I am so thankful and grateful to Jim Rohn, and ALL of the great motivational speakers and teachers who give of themselves to pour into our lives refreshing water that energizes us and shows us “WE CAN” because WE ARE WORTH IT! The Blessing be upon you all!

  8. Jim Rohn was truly one of the best personal development coaches that ever lived. His teachings where so basic yet profound. he will truly be missed. Thanks for this amazing post I appreciate it.

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