James Allen’s classic As A Man Thinketh has inspired millions around the world since its introduction more than 100 years ago. Many contemporary writers have been influenced by it, including Mark Victor Hansen, Og Mandino, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy and John Maxwell, among others.
In Day by Day with James Allen, author Vic Johnson gives us a bite-sized, daily helping of As A Man Thinketh, along with the insights and experiences of himself and others. Some days bring comfort, some bring hope and inspiration, and still others bring a call to action. But every day brings the ageless wisdom that has helped so many understand that as we think in our hearts, so we become. Book includes complete text of As A Man Thinketh. It’s five-gold star rated at Amazon and sold more than 50,000 copies its first year, including a Japanese translation.
Day by Day is distributed by Sylvia’s Foundation, Inc. and all profits benefit its work with young, widowed moms.